Explore Life To The Full… through 10 weekly sessions
The Norwich course offers a practical means to discover fully who we are, understand how to relate to the world we live in and see what gets in the way of being happy, peaceful and free.
Students are invited to see life as a place to test the words of the wise through practical and mindful exercises.
The 10 weekly sessions explore central human questions through discussion, practical observation, conversation and reflection in good company.
Introductory Offer
Practical Philosophy Course for Life-
10 weekly sessions
Starts in Sept/Oct 2025
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Refreshment break
Limited places
The Journey
Themes included in the course:
What is beauty?
Is there such a thing as absolute beauty?
Beauty has the capacity to open the heart and bring delight. In this session we discuss our direct experience of beauty in its different form: of the sensory world, of thought, of feelings, of the inner nature, and of conduct.
We consider Plato’s idea of there being ultimately one beauty – beauty absolute – ‘not knowing birth or death, growth or decay’.
Holidays come and go. Clothes wear out. Bank accounts go up and down. Through all this,
the desire for happiness is a compass point.
The desire for happiness is hard-wired into human nature because happiness is part of our nature. But something’s blocking the flow. The Happiness course opens the gate and sets you on your way and focuses on meeting the perennial need for everyone to find the well-spring of happiness through all of life’s changing circumstances.
This course will calibrate your compass, provide a map and refresh your navigation skills.
Happiness and service. Is happiness natural?
What is true happiness? Is this natural to a man or woman? How may it be experienced fully and how is it lost? Is it permanent or transient?
Happiness and law; Happiness and utilitarianism;
Happiness and pleasure, Epicurus, Aristippus, Plato
The Platonic goods which lead to happiness
Lao Tzu, finding inner equilibrium
An introduction to Marsilio Ficino
Happiness: contentment, Patanjali
Finding happiness in work
Happiness and Wisdom
- Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich, NR2 1EW
- Starts: TBC Sept/Oct 2025 (7:30pm - 9:45pm)
How to Enrol
- Step 1 - Click 'Enrol Today' & enter your details
- Step 2 - We confirm your enrolment
- Step 3 - Pay the course fee to secure your place
- Step 4 - Receive your receipt and course details by email.
- Introductory Course only £60
- philosophyeastanglia@fses.org