Introductory courses in Colchester & Norwich
School of Philosophy East Anglia
An exploration of Mindful Living, Wisdom and Happiness
Small Groups, Practical Exercises, Mantra-based meditation,
Retreats, Volunteering opportunities, Guided practice
Life can be seen as a journey. When we are feeling strong and clear-minded it is an adventure. The inner journey of understanding and feeling gives direction to the outer journey and makes it magnificent

Local Course
Local face-to-face evening courses available in Colchester & Norwich.
Peace of Mind
A safe space with experienced & supportive tutors & others looking to philosophy to set them free.
Practical Wisdom
Courses in practical wisdom for everyday living. Meet with like minded individuals.
Introductory Practical Philosophy course
The course draws on the great philosophical ideas of east and west to examine their influences on our lives and show the way to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
It gives guidance on the practice of mindful living in daily life and on how to test the ideas presented during each session in our own experience. The approach is practical rather than academic, and no prior knowledge is needed.

- Next introductory courses

What some of our students say...

“Absolutely loving the course!! …Really changing how I think about things and life in general.”

“...I am benefiting greatly from the content and the practical nature of it. Thank you, it is enriching my life.”

“The daily awareness exercises … have changed my thinking and I feel more relaxed about situations in the media and other aspects of my daily life.”

"The knowledge and experience that I have gained from the philosophy classes has helped me to discover more about myself and better prepare for dealing with life's daily surprises and challenges."